My name is Adele Williamson. Originally from a town by Atlanta, GA, I am currently continuing my education at College of Charleston.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
My Own Media Exampl
My media Example was the video Dear 16-Year Old Me. I thought this was a powerful video announcement warning people to be careful about protecting their skin. A classmate my senior year of high school who was known for frequenting the tanning bed was diagnosed with severe skin cancer. Everyone was so shocked; you don't expect it to happen to people so close to you. But people shouldn't have to experience it firsthand for the issue to affect them. Young people should care for their skin starting early because it's the only body and the only skin you have for the rest of your life, and you can't afford to damage it.
Media Example 19 - Santa Claus
Santa Claus for most people is associated with a merry, happy time and memories with friends and family. Association is key with advertising. If people associate the brand of cigarettes that Santa is smoking with the good times they have at Christmas and with Santa, then they will enjoy the cigarettes and the times they have while smoking these particular cigarettes. It's all strategy. The ad makes smoking these cigarettes seem like a pleasant, fun time. Personally, nothing can make me smoke because I know the dangers and I'm not interested in having permanently yellow teeth, bad breath, and prematurely wrinkly skin. I don't know how this ad would affect people interested in smoking cigarettes, but it is an interesting figure they chose to put on the ad.
Friday, April 13, 2012
This ad uses the logos appeal because it appeals to what the customer will think is logical. The "#1 in Pet Care for 3 Years Straight" lends to their credibility and the ad is professional.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Chocoloate Dubstep Cereal Commercial - Media Example 18
The concept of this commercial is cool, and definitely will draw young kids' attention to the commercial and to the cereal. The girl looks like she is having fun, while also looking like a tough dancer in front of her friends. I've never heard of the cereal, but it looks like it could have some health benefits by the name, "Weetabix." It definitely is a fun alternative compared to other cereal commercials showing moms feeding their well-behaved kids healthy cereal. This commercial targets kids and parents, and I think it does a good job.
Girls on the Run Media Example
Girls on the Run seems like a great thing to be a part of. If I had a daughter, I would encourage her and other young girls to become involved in Girls on the Run. Learning life values while also participating in an activity that keeps you healthy- what better thing could you be involved in? It provides a fun, relaxing environment that doesn't put stress or pressure on young girls, while allowing them to be themselves around their friends and around teachers and mentors. It's also great the "Girls on the Run" draws women and girls of all ages.It's great to see the younger girls speaking up and giving testimony to the success of the program. I thought the video was very inspiring; I'm surprised I haven't heard of it before.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
The video is a bit exaggerated for me, but I suppose that is the whole point. Politicians these days have no shame in completely bashing their opponents like in this video. I hardly think this would be the result if Obama were president in 2 years, though it may seem like it to voters strongly opposed to him. The video is dark and creepy and looks like something out of a slasher film. I think its too over the top to really convince me of anything. I can't take it seriously because I know how political candidates are against each other and its completely ridiculous.
Friday, March 23, 2012
Media Example #15
Sex is being used to sell more and more these days. As Jessica said, I do think it is unnecessary and inappropriate. Advertisers should find a way to sell to all types of audiences, and this kind of advertisement doesn't do that. Besides the fact it could be offensive, it doesn't have anything to do with the product at all! It just doesn't come off as an effective way to sell whitening gum. Trident could do better.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Copy Writing
Monday, March 19, 2012
Media Example 13
I think the new Batman movie looks awesome, I love Batman. It looks intense and the graphics will probably be great. I think its funny both of the boys chose movie previews, but I will definitely be seeing this one.
Media Example 12
It's always painful to see or hear about girls getting raped. I do like that this video is directed to the male, and sends the message that they should really think about what they're doing before they do it. The girl doesn't fight back aggressively, but she clearly tells him "no, I don't want to." Boys need to understand that even they are not attacking a female in a dark alley, they can still commit rape.
Media Example 11
This media example is the cover of Cosmo magazine, one I myself like to read. Perhaps I should write something about how this magazine objectifies women and only focuses on sex, but the content of the magazine doesn't really bother me. It's for womens' interests, and it covers a variety of topics
Monday, March 12, 2012
Trend Story & 2 or 3 things I found
The trend story I chose to read is an article from CNN about African American females choosing to wear their natural hair in their corporate workplaces. I liked that this story presented facts and numbers such as the decreasing sale numbers of chemical relaxer kits and increasing percentages of women who claim to no longer chemically relax their hair. I also like they include quotes from women on the issue; "Natural hair is not a trend, its here to stay. You're going to see more women going natural than ever before," said professional stylist Tracy Robertson. The article addresses the concern women have to keep the corporate look and that the women themselves are learning to care for their hair with non chemical products. Though the quote claims it is not a trend, this personal choice is being seen on women in the corporate world to Oscar-nominated actresses.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Media Example 10
Google is offering all the web services they provide and everything a person can access through the internet, specifically Google Chrome. Google, like many other companies, is using "real life" examples of people that use Google Chrome to relate to other audiences that could also benefit from using this internet browser. "Life is what you make of it. Make it happen."
Media Example 9
For some reason men think of dieting and diet drinks as something only women should do and drink. This ad is trying to make this "diet" drink appeal to men and seem manly by excluding women completely. The ad is of an action movie with 2 men and dinosaurs. The can appears to be designed simply, with gray as the main color. Dr. Pepper is probably trying to gain a larger demographic and help their company by appealing to men and hoping they'll buy this drink.
Media Example 8

This ad is one of the many advertising appearance being altered by technology. Your chest will be bigger if you buy the camera with 3 million pixels over the camera with 2 million pixels. Despite the ludicrousness of the ad, it probably is effective in persuading people to buy one over the other. People want the camera that will make them look the best, and the 3 million pixel camera is the one for that.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Pan e Veno
I've often passed by Pan e Veno and thought it looked like a cool place to eat. Small and intimate, it looks like the kind of place where the waiters wear white shirts and bow ties and you hear the sound of wine glasses tinkling. When you go inside, its pretty much what you expect. The atmosphere is definitely magical and romantic, a great date spot. It's an experience different from most restaurants you come across. The Italian feel of the restaurant makes you want to take a gondola ride after you leave it. Plus, the food is great.
Friday, February 17, 2012
Event article - change
I might change my event I'm writing about. The Students for Sensible Drug Policy club's next meeting on Thurs, Feb 24 is supposed to be hosting a panel of law professionals, campus police, and ACLU members to have a discussion about knowing your rights. Other aspects of the ongoing drug war will probably be discussed. I think this would be an interesting thing to hear so I might do my article on that. Just depends on what is the best event for me to attend that I think I can get the best story out of, so my tentative events are always subject to change.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Event Article
I'm thinking of doing the upcoming school play "Hush" for the event article. That is subject to change, though.. I'm still investigating events.
Morgan's Media Example
The response I seem to have about every media example: interesting. In most people's minds, a kiss on the lips is a way to show affection to someone you care for romantically. A kiss on the cheek or hand might be used to show friendship or mutual respect. Though proclaiming it is an "unhate" campaign, I wonder if showing these national leaders kissing on the lips is a form of mockery. Even the author of the write-up about the pictures uses the statement "..images of the smooching world leaders" as if he doesn't take it seriously. On the article you can even vote for your favorite kiss. It feels like a joke to me.
Stephen's Media Example
At first I rolled my eyes at the thought of a movie about Nazi's from space- I'm definitely not going to see that. Then, just as Stephen said, I saw Sarah Palin and heard her imitation accent and knew it was some kind of joke. Interesting trailer, but not my kind of movie.
Addison's Media Example
I'm a fan of USA network's "Characters Welcome" slogan. They applaud citizens of all types for being genuine people and making a difference in the community. The channel itself employs actors of all races and its encouraging to see a popular channel that is seen by the mass media embrace this idea. It's also cool to see that they put regular people in the video, as well as actors from their shows.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Restaurant Description - Mellow Mushroom
Mellow Mushroom is the type of place a customer goes not just for the atmosphere and not just for the food, but for both. Though a chain of pizza restaurants, every Mellow Mushroom is completely unique, but each maintains a trippy vibe that's out of this world. The Charleston location is definitely a favorite among myself and many other Charleston residents. The inside is painted with murals of aliens and abstract pictures with lots of shapes and vivid colors. Alternative and indie type music plays on the speakers. Upstairs is the bar, which has a slightly more chill theme, but you still know you're in a special place. Take a trip to the bathroom and you'll be intrigued by the sink between the men's and women's room. It's a long marble trough with water streaming down, very cool and eclectic.
The Clemson location has furniture placed on the ceiling, as if you are actually on the ceiling yourself, looking at the room below.
The Clemson location has furniture placed on the ceiling, as if you are actually on the ceiling yourself, looking at the room below.
Friday, February 10, 2012
Lead - Steve Jobs and the FBI
FBI gathered file on Apple's Steve Jobs
When I saw this headline and lead on, I definitely had to have a look. Steve Jobs is famous for, of course, being CEO of Apple, creator of awesome stuff galore. The lead reads, "The FBI kept a file on Apple co-founder Steve Jobs, according to documents obtained by The Wall Street Journal."
Why would the FBI be keeping a file on Steve Jobs?! Turns out, as I discovered in the next sentence, George W. Bush was considering Jobs for a seat on the President's Export Council. The FBI apparently had a 191 page report of Jobs' background information. The report information reveals that Jobs was brilliant, but didn't have the best social skills. Anonymous sources said Jobs was "profoundly talented, creative, and hardworking... but his management techniques were considered by many to be abusive."
Interesting, eh?
When I saw this headline and lead on, I definitely had to have a look. Steve Jobs is famous for, of course, being CEO of Apple, creator of awesome stuff galore. The lead reads, "The FBI kept a file on Apple co-founder Steve Jobs, according to documents obtained by The Wall Street Journal."
Why would the FBI be keeping a file on Steve Jobs?! Turns out, as I discovered in the next sentence, George W. Bush was considering Jobs for a seat on the President's Export Council. The FBI apparently had a 191 page report of Jobs' background information. The report information reveals that Jobs was brilliant, but didn't have the best social skills. Anonymous sources said Jobs was "profoundly talented, creative, and hardworking... but his management techniques were considered by many to be abusive."
Interesting, eh?
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Rebecca's Media Example - PETA
PETA is known for their extreme acts in advocacy for animals' rights. Throwing fake blood on people who wear fur and dressing up as monkeys in a cage to protest testing of animals are just a couple. This PETA ad may be called extreme. These people are sexy because they don't wear fur, and being naked and cold is better than being warmed by a fur coat. I'm not exactly sure what the ad is trying to illustrate, except that these individuals apparently would rather go naked than wear fur. While the people in the ad are definitely attractive, I don't know that this ad would make people not want to wear fur. There's no emotional tug on the heart, as there may be if this ad pictured hurt and dying animals' fur being taken from them. The naked males and females do draw the eye and grab attention, if nothing else, which at least may get people to read the words instead of immediately rolling their eyes and moving past the ad thinking, "here PETA goes again..." like I do every time I'm handed a pamphlet at school persuading me not to eat meat. The ad is interesting, I'll give it that.
The 5 W's
Who: Miami-Dade County Board of Commissioners
What: end to the development of resort town Islandia
When: Next month, more than 50 years after Islandia's incorporation
Where: Elliot Key, Fl; "Islandia"- in Key Largo, Fl.
Why: It's not a city, and the finding that its elected government was illegal. Many don't want to develop it, but leave it as an untouched paradise for people to visit and enjoy privately.
Who: Miami-Dade County Board of Commissioners
What: end to the development of resort town Islandia
When: Next month, more than 50 years after Islandia's incorporation
Where: Elliot Key, Fl; "Islandia"- in Key Largo, Fl.
Why: It's not a city, and the finding that its elected government was illegal. Many don't want to develop it, but leave it as an untouched paradise for people to visit and enjoy privately.
Monday, January 30, 2012
Rachael's Media Example
False Beauty-
I have seen this video before and it's very interesting. I'm a big supporter of the Dove Campaign for Real Beauty and applaud what they are doing. This clip is one of the only examples out there that is proof of the Photoshop phenomenon of making people look nothing like their true physical selves. Similar to the first one we watched in class about photoshop, these videos call out companies and basically blame them for all the image problems people of all ages have today. The media oftentimes doesn't provide accurate images and information to the public. It's a powerful ad but really just illustrates what we already know.
I have seen this video before and it's very interesting. I'm a big supporter of the Dove Campaign for Real Beauty and applaud what they are doing. This clip is one of the only examples out there that is proof of the Photoshop phenomenon of making people look nothing like their true physical selves. Similar to the first one we watched in class about photoshop, these videos call out companies and basically blame them for all the image problems people of all ages have today. The media oftentimes doesn't provide accurate images and information to the public. It's a powerful ad but really just illustrates what we already know.
Christian's Media Example
Wow.. I have never seen this ad before and I am a little shocked! Comparing eating this "super seven incher" to to a performing a sexual favor... and comparing the pleasure of them both as well. As professor said in class, "do we agree that all press is good press?" I think this ad is completely off base and I don't understand how it would make males or females more inclined to buy this. Whatever attention they are catching, I don't think it serves the purpose of getting people to actually by it due to the commercial. Quite an advertisement.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
A Fashion Blog I Enjoy
Two of my many interests are fashion and beauty. I have a tumblr account where I don't really write posts, I just reblog other peoples' pictures I like, usually having to do with entertainment, fashion, or beauty.
I found this blog that compiles other people's fashion blogs into a page titled, a "look book." From the main page I can click on any of the "look-books," links to other fashion blogs, and see even more fashion.
This picture is the title picture for one of the blogs. I liked the background and her style and picked this photo. I'd love to be able to start a fashion blog someday, blogging about the fashion I'm discovering alongside the places I'm traveling. That'd be a dream come true!
If you like fashion, check out all these style inspirations and look-books for yourself :)
I found this blog that compiles other people's fashion blogs into a page titled, a "look book." From the main page I can click on any of the "look-books," links to other fashion blogs, and see even more fashion.
This picture is the title picture for one of the blogs. I liked the background and her style and picked this photo. I'd love to be able to start a fashion blog someday, blogging about the fashion I'm discovering alongside the places I'm traveling. That'd be a dream come true!
If you like fashion, check out all these style inspirations and look-books for yourself :)
Monday, January 23, 2012
Elle's video
In class today for the media example, Ellie showed a video of a mash-up of scenes from movies where characters are being active. The video is for Nike's Fuel campaign. It's a cool video with a good message. Short and simple, words flash across the video clips for the audience to make life count and be active. Throughout the video I didn't know it was advertising for Nike with all the movie clips. It is a good marketing technique and a good way to get people's attention. Everyone would be familiar with at least a few of the movies, so the ad was a good way to connect with everyone. I think it's a smart way for Nike to advertise this particular product.
New semester, new class
Last semester I created this blog because I was required to for a Computer Science class. Lo and behold, I'm required to create a blog for a class this semester, too! I think I will like the class this semester a lot better. Writing for the Mass Media, Comm 230 is the class. I have a tumblr, which I really just reblog pictures I like. I don't really write posts. Maybeeeee I'll eventually get to blogging posts on a regular basis. I used to keep journals all the time when I was younger, so it might be nice to have another outlet like that. I want to go into Journalism for a career, but I'm still not sure exactly what direction I'm going in.
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