Wednesday, April 18, 2012

My Own Media Exampl

My media Example was the video Dear 16-Year Old Me. I thought this was a powerful video announcement warning people to be careful about protecting their skin. A classmate my senior year of high school who was known for frequenting the tanning bed was diagnosed with severe skin cancer. Everyone was so shocked; you don't expect it to happen to people so close to you.  But people shouldn't have to experience it firsthand for the issue to affect them. Young people should care for their skin starting early because it's the only body and the only skin you have for the rest of your life, and you can't afford to damage it.

Media Example 19 - Santa Claus

Santa Claus for most people is associated with a merry, happy time and memories with friends and family. Association is key with advertising. If people associate the brand of cigarettes that Santa is smoking with the good times they have at Christmas and with Santa, then they will enjoy the cigarettes and the times they have while smoking these particular cigarettes. It's all strategy. The ad makes smoking these cigarettes seem like a pleasant, fun time. Personally, nothing can make me smoke because I know the dangers and I'm not interested in having permanently yellow teeth, bad breath, and prematurely wrinkly skin. I don't know how this ad would affect people interested in smoking cigarettes, but it is an interesting figure they chose to put on the ad.

Friday, April 13, 2012


This ad uses the logos appeal because it appeals to what the customer will think is logical. The "#1 in Pet Care for 3 Years Straight" lends to their credibility and the ad is professional.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Chocoloate Dubstep Cereal Commercial - Media Example 18

The concept of this commercial is cool, and definitely will draw young kids' attention to the commercial and to the cereal. The girl looks like she is having fun, while also looking like a tough dancer in front of her friends. I've never heard of the cereal, but it looks like it could have some health benefits by the name, "Weetabix." It definitely is a fun alternative compared to other cereal commercials showing moms feeding their well-behaved kids healthy cereal. This commercial targets kids and parents, and I think it does a good job.

Girls on the Run Media Example

Girls on the Run seems like a great thing to be a part of. If I had a daughter, I would encourage her and other young girls to become involved in Girls on the Run. Learning life values while also participating in an activity that keeps you healthy- what better thing could you be involved in? It provides a fun, relaxing environment that doesn't put stress or pressure on young girls, while allowing them to be themselves around their friends and around teachers and mentors. It's also great the "Girls on the Run" draws  women and girls of all ages.It's great to see the younger girls speaking up and giving testimony to the success of the program. I thought the  video was very inspiring; I'm surprised I haven't heard of it before.